Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Dear Potential Participant:

Acronym-happy GLUEsters might forget it, but the “E” in GLUE stands for “Exchange.” And that’s what GLUE lives to do: to promote the exchange of the ideas, best practices, camaraderie, commiseration, successes, and challenges, of living in, and loving, a post-industrial, Great Lakes city.

GLUE’s members work are planners, environmentalists, artists, community organizers; they work in government, public policy, education, small business development, and across a range of other fields. GLUE’s members are diverse in age, race, educational background, income bracket, and Great Lakes geography. What they share is a commitment to their hometown, a belief that the success of each of our cities is directly tied to the success of all of our cities, and an understanding that we need new ideas and new partnerships to make our cities healthier places.

GLUE held its first conference in Buffalo in early 2008, and participants had so much fun and learned so much, that we decided to do this every year. And we’re taking the show on the road.

Milwaukee will host the GLUE Conference 2009 on Thursday, March 12 through Saturday, March 14. We’re lining up an incredible group of speakers to talk about the policies and practices that our cities need. But over 50% of the conference is participant-driven. We believe that YOU, our potential participant, have one of the answers that we’re all looking for.

Visit GLUEspace for more information about the Great Lakes Urban Exchange, and visit the Register page of this blog for logistical details and, of course, to register.

Please join us in Milwaukee.


The GLUE Team